1. Should I come in or should my child see you?
You are looking at my website because you are feeling worried about your child. I would like to meet with you and hear your story. I would like to provide support and guidance to you. Together we can figure out the best way to help you and your family, but let’s start with giving you some relief.
2. My child is struggling in school. I have tried to get help for him so he can do better in school, but the school does not think he is eligible. I do not even know what help to ask for. Can you help me?
Yes. I can help you advocate for your child and determine what may be most helpful to him/her. I will also work with the school to make sure they understand your child’s needs.
3. If I come and see you, will you tell me my child needs medication?
I am committed to working with you to determine how to help you relieve your anxiety about your child. I will guide you and present you with all suggestions and tools to help you alleviate that worry. I understand that medication is a huge decision, and I respect your thoughts and feelings about it. I am thoughtful and thorough in my approach and will discuss medication with you if I feel it would be a helpful tool. However, I generally want to try other methods before suggesting medication.
4. Do both parents need to meet with you?
Ideally, I would like to meet with both of you. However, I realize the logistics can be very complicated. I am happy to meet with one parent and speak with your spouse by phone if coming in to the office presents a challenge. I also trust that you can share what we discuss with your spouse and invite him or her to call me with any concerns or questions he or she may have.
5. Do you only see parents of kids with differences?
I am committed to helping everyone. I love working with teenagers/young adults too (please see my teen tab). I also help couples experiencing marital distress and adults in transition (dealing with relationship stress, sending their kids to kindergarten or college, separation or divorce, adopting a child, grief or loss, going back to work after being a stay at home mother or changes in career). Often, I find I start seeing parents about their children and it turns into a long term relationship where I may help you with other difficulties in your life. I am committed to helping you through whatever you may need.
How do you feel?
"When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments; tenderness for what he is, and respect for what he might become".
- Louis Pasteur